Home | Relativistische Vielweltentheorie |
Beispiel: Einbeziehung nichtmetrischer Größen | Lovelock-Tensoren |
Einige Variationsergebnisse | Einige Lösungen |
vielweltentheorie.pdf | Sonstiges |
In the following are coordinates, the metric tensor, and the curvature tensor. The following tensors are called Lovelock-tensors:
(1) |
These tensors are divergence-free, so that these tensors represents conserved quantities. With these tensors it is possible to set up relativistic field equations of gravitation:
(2) |
On the condition, that , we get a field equation, which is many-worlds-suitable:
(3) |
This many-worlds-suitability is possible under the condition, that the metric tensor can be divided at least into two subareas, so that and is, with . Whereby the indices are simple primed for the one subarea, and are double primed for the other subarea. With this we get from the field-equation (3):
(4) |
There are solutions for the field equation (3) which are singularity-free, and contains the Schwarzschild-metric as a borderline case. See for this: Einige Lösungen (Some solutions)